- The Portal Of Eros

Description: The Portal of Eros is D. Musgrave's net-home for the growing compilation of erotic tales pulled from a vast imagination. If you dare to enter The Portal, maybe you will find something to feed your fantasies.

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D. Musgrave's Portal Of Eros   The reader is entertained by the journey of another, but the writer is the changer of worlds. D'ni proverb

The Portal of Eros is for adults only. If you're of legal age and you are not offended by sexually explicit material, then please enter. However, if you are not old enough to view adult material, try here:

The works contained within are of my own conception and all copyright laws apply. Materials found on The Portal of Eros may be taken only for your own personal use and pleasure. You may not post them to any website or distribute them in any way without my expressed written permission. Plagiarism is not a victimless crime, don't be tempted. In The Portal of Eros, you will not find incest, pedophilia, rape, or bestiality. The pictures, backgrounds, and graphics on The Portal of Eros were created by graphic ar