- Inspiring meaningful changes toward a life of Profound Wellness® - Doctor Mary Jayne

Description: Thank you for joining me to discover, discuss and encourage the elements within you that make you unique; those gifts that when nurtured, contribute to optimum

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Thank you for joining me to discover, discuss and encourage the elements within you that make you unique; those gifts that when nurtured, contribute to optimum health and wellbeing.

I hope to inspire you to enrich your life with a conscious commitment to movement, nourishment and mindful self-expression. This is Profound Wellness . It is whole-person health and it allows us to experience vitality and love from within that we may bring more of ourselves to our families, careers, and society.

Welcome.  I invite you to use the resources on my website and incorporate them in your healthy lifestyle. Please contact me for more information about wellness education and coaching.

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