- Rebalance Dances

Description: Accommodations: Garden House on Orcas; crystal pottery: Hot Ice Studio; Book about Orcas: Potholes in Paradise; Climate Change efforts; Coffelt Farm; Beauty, tranquility, love, action

art (55598) artist (36392) boat (3036) activities (2387) accommodations (1257) adventures (749) birding (542) accupressure (19) bicyling (3) beautiful flower-like pottery glaze (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Each element on this page represents an effort to bring harmony to various local, national and global challenges. The site contains one person's creative endeavors in hopes that it might inspire you to bring similar qualities to yourself, your loved ones, your tribe(s), your community and your relationship with Nature. The image here is analogous to a farmer's market. Each project represents a booth in a celebratory village of thought and action. Take your time. The content of each booth is more in the "lon

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