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Home Node Whitepaper NFT SWAP   Home Node Whitepaper NFT SWAP More Home Node Whitepaper NFT SWAP DOGECUBE YOUR  BEST  PAL  IN  RADIX  UNIVERSE Introduction In the middle of the rise of memecoins and Radix in 2021, DOGECUBE was born to celebrate RADIX founder Dan Hughes and its revolutionary DLT protocol Cerberus. 8 billions tokens fixed supply were made, one for each human.

Seeing the influence crypto web3 communities can have to onboard new users, DOGECUBE’s gathered market participants around Radix, bring fun events, create new crypto connections and help each other navigate in this mind blowing ecosystem .

DOGECUBE supply was airdropped for FREE to community members posting memes during one of 25 weekly memebrawls events. They were organized with other INUs communities, incentivizing creative and fun quality content. Such distribution system provided a fair sharing of the supply and mitigate the risk of single entities having complete control of the tokenomics.

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