- Dog Photography - Redhara Setters - Rebecca Goutorbe

Description: Dog photography, event photography for dogs, dog show photo's, show dog photography, fieldsports photography galleries, Kennel Club working Gundog galleries, Rebecca Goutorbe

uk (35146) dog (6719) english (5256) dogs (4732) pet (3696) puppies (2514) puppy (1716) derbyshire (755) setter (130) setters (43)

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Hi I am Rebecca an award winning professional photographer based in Matlock Derbyshire specialising in Fieldsports, dog and event photography. On this website you will find the links to the event galleries. Use the search bar above if you can't find your event. Clients with private online galleries, the link to your gallery will be sent out via email. Lost your link? Get in touch

© Rebecca Goutorbe

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