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There are many things to consider before adding a dog to your family.  A dog is a lifetime commitment.  It may be a 10 to 15-year commitment for you, but it is his entire life.  There are a lot more things to consider beyond how cute he or she may be as a puppy. That cute little puppy that looks like an adorable teddy bear may depend upon its breed or...

Behavioral disorders in dogs are numerous and have different forms of expression. Usually, some of the behaviors of the dog can be reduced, exaggerated or completely absent, and its most dangerous aspects are aggression, disobedience, uncontrolled urination, irregularities in the diet that are related to the biting, chewing and eating foreign objects and their own feces. Frustration...

Did you know that dogs are not really color blind? Or maybe that Newfoundlands have specific paws that help them in swimming? Or that a third of all owners of pets are talking to their dogs on the phone when the answering machine is switched? Read this and other strange facts about dogs - also some about the owners. 1. It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They...