- Restaurant Bathurst - Dogwood, BX. American Dining, Brews & Booze.

Description: American dining at Dogwood, BX. Fix yourself a plate, order a whole mess to share. The Bourbons are rich, the Scotches are smooth, the beers are ice cold. Top rated American Restaurant Bathurst, NSW.

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Imagine a little town called Dogwood. A slice of down-home Americana right here in BX, taking its name from the Flowering Dogwood tree – the floral emblem of the state of North Carolina. It’s a nod to some friends who became family, but also a raised glass to family and friends who know that sharing great food and drinks with those you love is about as good as it gets. We wanted to create a diner you could imagine at the heart of the tight-knit community in a town like Dogwood.

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Dogwood, BX is a nod to some friends who became family, but also a raised glass to family and friends who know that sharing great food and drinks with those you love is about as good as it gets.