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I overlooked the mechanical imperfections of your work, the utter lack of finish, the crudeness of your drawing. I’m glad you could come. ” “You are marvellously like your brother,” Anna said, beaming upon him.

Video ID: TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKGNvbXBhdGlibGU7IEV4YW1wbGUzLzEuMDsgK2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV4YW1wbGUzLmNvbS9kb21haW4vZG9taW5ndGFncy5jb20pIC0gMjYwMDozYzBlOjpmMDNjOjkzZmY6ZmVjODphM2ZjIC0gMTEtMDctMjAyNCAwMzoyMzoyOSAtIDgwMjk5NjMyOA==