- Kulczyk Foundation

Description: Kulczyk Foundation helps organizations and people help effectively. The Foundation supports infrastructure projects and social investments in developing countries.

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Example domain paragraphs

Our documentaries explore some of the challenges experienced by communities around the world and the work done by local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), supported by the foundation, to tackle these challenges. Our "Domino Effect" series is created in partnership with TVN - the largest commercial television channel in Poland. This partnership has resulted in recognition at a number of film festivals around the world. In addition, we also work in partnership with CNN International to produce documentari

For the first time, the program is devoted entirely to women and the strength they have to face the difficulties resulting from, for instance, patriarchal culture, tradition, economic and political situation. In the eighth season of the documentary series "The Domino Effect", Dominika Kulczyk reaches Europe, Africa, and Latin America, where she meets, among others, immigrant women forced into prostitution, victims of ritual female genital mutilation, girls suffering from period poverty, or women who experie

Though it is hard to believe, every 11 seconds, somewhere in the world, a girl undergoes a genital circumcision. It turns out that this is not just a problem among the few African tribes who follow traditional beliefs! This is a problem that affects women on our planet! It is estimated that over 200 million women and girls worldwide have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM). Dominika Kulczyk will discuss this problem in the first episode of the eighth series of "The Domino Effect". She will also presen