- Researching Ancestors in the 21st century

Description: Early nineteenth century unpublished records for the parish of Urr provide insight and details about our ancestors. i.e. voters list, 1834; militia lists, 1802 1808; horsetax, 1797 The parish Urr is in Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland

research (8957) scotland (4688) genealogy (2897) parish (688) galloway (123) sources (113) dalbeattie (10) urr (2) kirkcudbrightshire (2) don jaggi (1)

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Never before has there been so many resources available to everyone for tracing ancestry and learning about the history of countries around the world. It is a learning process to grasp all the technology and resources that can used to our advantage. Only by combining our knowledge can this project succeed. The current goal is to create a family tree with all the cousin relationships to 1900. This is an ambitious project. Not all these lines are related, but they all lead back to me or you in cousin relation

The Scoggins line branches from the 25 children of two brothers, William and Thomas, living in Badingham. 17 of them lived to old age and many of them had large families. Their are numerous cousins connected to this tree. The Flory line is also starting to take shape. It connects into the Scoggins line back in 1738.

The Mckenzie and Oswald line is a Scottish line. The Mckenzie line is limited, but recently a new branch has been found in Canada. This line also has a connection to Ireland. The Oswald line centers in Fifeshire and is limited due to research difficulties. The research on these lines in challenging.