- Clan Donnachaidh Society of Northern California

Description: The Scottish Highland Clan for people named Robertson, Duncan, Reid and others, who live in northern California.

scottish (1292) clan (672) highlands (634) duncan (184) robertson (91) reid (79) scottish clan (8) atholl (6) donnachaidh (1)

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This is the Scottish Highland Clan Society for people named Robertson, Duncan, Reid, and many other names associated with the clan. Please see our Names List.

The northern California Branch was organized in 1980 to foster the highland spirit, culture and traditions. The Society represents the clan at most highland games and gatherings in northern California, publishes a quarterly newsletter, and holds dinners and events for members.

Join us for a Virtual Gathering Third Saturdays at 5pm Pacific Time< For a Zoom link contact John Duncan at [email protected]<

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