- The world of Don Pierson

Description: The life and times of Don Pierson, including his biography, his radio broadcasting activities including Wonderful Radio London, Swinging Radio England and Britain Radio and KVMX in Eastland, Texas, plus his Freeport ventures in Tortuga, Haiti and on the island of Dominica, and his close proximity to CIA proprietary activities raiding Cuba and involving Manuel Artime, Robert Kennedy.

cuba (1097) cia (209) john f. kennedy (24) robert kennedy (9) central intelligence agency (3) robert thompson (3) manuel artime (1) don pierson (1) gordon mclendon (1) david atlee phillps (1)

Example domain paragraphs

This is a story about a man from Eastland, Texas; a tiny town in the middle of nowhere. Yet his ideas touched people around the world. In the British Isles and Western Europe his public persona was manifest via media broadcasting outlets for both music and polemical talks under the guise of religion. In the area surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, it was manifest when he attempted to build a Freeport on the island of Tortuga, just across the seagoing passageway separating it from the U.S. Guantanamo Bay Naval

1964-1967 mv Galaxy

mv Olga Patricia A CIA ship raiding Cuba before 1965 and after 1967