- Travel! Making it possible! » Don't fear travel (Tales of Travel and Tech)

Description: What if near 50, you'd always wanted to travel the world, but didn't quite have the resources to? That was me — but I'm doing it! This is my what & how.

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This is me — with ALL of my stuff, walking in Venice.

Welcome to Don’t Fear Travel , aka Tales of Travel and Tech. My first articles encouraging people to travel independently were published in the 1980s. In 1996 my personal website continued my endeavor and I loved that women emailed me thanking me for helping them or their children get out into the world.

In the ’90s I settled into a career writing about Mac and the Web. Then, as I hit the road again in 2011, I created this dedicated travel website because so many people — mostly women 40+ I’d only met in passing or online!  — asked me to share my travels and my “how.” (How could I give up having a home, give away belongings, pack a backpack, and fly away to other countries with no plans!? Being over 50, didn’t I worry I was too old for that?)

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