- SewDoodleDe – Doodling, Brain Training, Visual Vocabulary, Muscle Memory, Learning

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I work with stressed out teachers who have NO TIME to engage in self-care to strengthen their minds, nurture their hearts, and boost their creativity through doodling without worrying about creating perfect art. Repeated and combined lines are great tools for positive brain training, giving a platform for thoughts, ideas, and emotions to be processed and shared.

Tickle your curiosity and your creativity with this fun Doodle Sampler.  There are so many ways to doodle – find the one that feels the most comfortable to you so you can strengthen your mind, nurture your heart, and boost your creativity!

Participants in these courses are first-time doodlers or seasoned artists. Just like going to the gym to exercise, there is value in revisiting the content in the courses and doodling frequently.  Any doodling is good doodling – let go of outcomes, focus on the process. Doodling is a healthy way of putting “Created to Create” to practice.

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