- Doug McNeall's blog

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I’m attending the EGU 2023 assembly this week, and gave a talk on our latest paper Constraining the carbon cycle in JULES-ES1.0. Attending online works fine, but doesn’t give you all the bonuses of meeting in person, getting the lowdown on the coolest talks coming up, and catching up with old colleagues and friends. One […]

I give various versions of this talk to students and other scientists. Get in touch if you’d like me to give it to your organisation – it usually gets lots of good discussions going. The fun thing this year is that TikTok is a mainstream thing now, and Twitter is dying. Going to be an […]

I updated my previous talk for scientists on surviving social media for a more general audience – this time for MSc students. They were an engaging bunch, and a 50 minute lecture stretched into a two-and-a-half-hour mega discussion, which obviously I’m all for. One thing that came up is that one of the students was […]