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When James and Joy Maloney started full-time ministry in 1975, they had one desire: to bring the brand of evangelism that Jesus and His apostles offered to a world of people crying out for reality. They desired to offer a tangible expression of Christ moving today—to deliver more than words. So, drawing from the heritage imparted to them by the late Frances Metcalfe, James and Joy formed Dove on the Rise International to continue the legacy of the Golden Candlestick in an effort to answer the cry of the nat

JAMES MALONEY was a well-respected prophetic voice with an apostolic, fathering mantle of impartation, and his ministry expression was marked by a powerful sign-and-wonder flow, heavily geared toward healing for the mind, soul and body. The Lord graced his ministry with a strong influence on the manifest presence of God’s glory in corporate and one-on-one encounters that left a residual impartation within the congregation, furthering their impact on a regional level, even expanding into sections of their re

JOY MALONEY attended Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, in the early 1970s where she met her husband, James. After pastoring for a couple of years, they began traveling full-time with their son, daughter, and often the family dog. Living on the road for twelve straight years, she taught the children as they roamed America’s highways, journeying from church to church. In 1990, Joy retired from the traveling ministry to focus on childrearing while James continued itinerating alone. She helped

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