dpsghome.org - DPSG – Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group

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The Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group (DPSG) is an organisation for professionals with a scientific interest in diabetes and pregnancy. DPSG was established in the late 60’ies with the aim to improve the detection and management of diabetes in pregnant women and their offspring by fostering research, treatment and education in the subject of diabetic pregnancy. Members of the organisation arrange an annual meeting with presentations of ongoing and recently publisched studies for both members and non-members.

We are pleased to announce the 55 nd Annual Meeting of the DPSG from 7-10 September 2023 in Poznan, Poland . See the template for abstracts, the Joseph Hoet and Jørgen Pedersen Lecture awards and travel awards on the website.

The deadline for all abstracts and award applications (including travel awards) is the 1th of April at midnight (Brussels time). We will adhere to a strict deadline for the abstracts and award submissions, since the number of registrations is limited to 150. The deadline for the early registration is the 15 th of June and the final deadline for registration is the 29 th of July (at a higher registration cost). Early registration is therefore recommended.