dqj5182.github.io - Daniel Sungho Jung | Seoul National University

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Ph.D. Candidate Seoul National University [email protected] About Me I am a third-year Ph.D candidate at SNU Computer Vision Lab advised by Prof. Kyoung Mu Lee (Editor in Cheif of TPAMI ). Before joining SNU , I finished my undergradute degree at Penn State and had a wonderful experience at KAIST Vision & Learning Lab with Prof. Seunghoon Hong . Also, I worked closely with Prof. Dongwon Lee from The PIKE Group at Penn State under collaboration with Dr. Hye Joon Park . (Fun fact: I am Euler ’s 14th-generatio

“Theory Will Take You Only So Far” -Ernest O. Lawrence-

How far away we are to each other, we always wish to be near our loved ones. My great passion lies in connecting us as if we are together in a same place. In order to realize this, it is important to enable “photo-realistic” and “semantically plausible” while “accurate” reconstruction of 3D human and 3D scene around the human. The final goal of my research sits in this dream “connecting people together”. Under this mission, my current research interests are as follows:

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