drcachildress.org - The Office of Dr. Craig Childress

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Welcome, you’ve reached the professional website for Dr. Craig Childress, a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in treating children and families. My specialty areas of focus include the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD-spectrum issues, treating excessive child anger and defiance, resolving marital conflicts, early childhood psychotherapy, and assessing and consultation for Parental Alienation Dynamics.

In the PRIVATE PRACTICE area of my website you can learn more about my practice and my areas of particular specialty focus. The PRIVATE PRACTICE area also contains a link to administrative intake forms used in my practice, and sample treatment plans for child therapy issues. Treatment plans are developed individually to the specific needs of each family, but these samples provide a general sense of my work.

The PARENTAL ALIENATION area of this website provides information on a particular type of family dynamic that can emerge during divorce in which the child becomes excessively hostile and rejecting of one parent. In the PARENTAL ALIENATION section of the website I provide a professionally focused discussion of the trans-generational dynamics involved with this especially troubling family process and an assessment instrument to aid mental health clinicians in the forensic evaluation of the Parental Alienation

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