dreamydanica.com - Dreamy Danica!! The hottiest All America Teen!!

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Hello Everyone! Welcome to the new Dreamy Danica website. We're not going to give you the same ol' mumbo jumbo like "I love my new site, please help me pay for college by joining" stuff. She's a model we found who was wanting some work, she looked terrific , and we were able to create some amazing picture s.

Please take a look through her tour, and see the true High Quality pictures that this site has. The photographer uses top quality photo equipment for great pictures ! We are sure you will be quite pleased after you join!

Since we're sure you want to know a little something about her, she is 18 years old as of May 31 , 2006. She's a college student, payties hard, and seems to be having a great time .

Links to dreamydanica.com (1)