Description: DREWSEN SPEZIALPAPIERE is a manufacturer of a range of uncoated, wood-free paper for security papers, technical papers, as well as printing & packaging papers.

print (9431) papier (1098) protech (59) spezialpapiere (9) technische papiere (6) drewsen (2) sicherheitspapiere (2) profino (2) produra (2) prosecura (2)

Example domain paragraphs

DREWSEN SPEZIALPAPIERE is a manufacturer of a range of uncoated, wood-free speciality paper. Each year more than 400 employees produce 160,000 tons of speciality paper using 3 paper machines at the production and administrative site in Lachendorf, Germany. DREWSEN SPEZIALPAPIERE has been producing paper since 1538 and as such is one of the longest established paper manufacturers in Germany.

In Great Britain DREWSEN SPEZIALPAPIERE operates under the name of DREWSEN SPECIAL PAPERS Ltd. since 1985. In 2016 the sales agency DREWSEN SPECIAL PAPERS USA was founded.

For 480 years DREWSEN has been synonymous with development of highly specialised papers. With innovative capacity, our own R&D department and our interest in the ever-changing demands of papers today, DREWSEN continually improves its product portfolio.