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Since Uber's entrance into NYC's FHV industry, every driver has experienced a decline in workplace rights. Whether it's a change in rates or a change in commission it's clear no ride-share app cares about the drivers. It's time we create OUR OWN app. If the drivers own the equipment AND the app this means each member can keep 100% of the fare. This also means no middleman company (Uber, Lyft, Juno, Via, Gett) who can usually take 30-50% commission off of our work.

The low-average cost for a qualified FHV car is ~ $15,000. There are over 100,000 FHV cars in NYC. This means that the drivers paid more than $1.5 Billion for any of these companies to operate. Add another $500,000,000 per year for insurance premiums- it's clear the drivers should own most of the industry. In 2016 Juno showed the world that the company that attracts the drivers gets the martketshare. They promised the drivers 50% of the company. Within one year we helped them get 10% of the market and then

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