drjconaway.com - Dr. Joanne Conaway - Wellness & Wellness Consultant

Description: Dr. Joanne Conaway, naturopath, health consultant, Wellness Advisor, wellness cons , nutritional consultant, nutritional consultant, nutritional speaker, Author

health (21452) wellness (12825) nutrition (6328) naturopath (457) naturopathic doctor (179) why is america so sick (1)

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We can view the world through a healthy prism that enables us to avoid bad food choices, adopt healthy supplementation alternatives, and reduce reliance on conventional medicine, or we can continue on the wayward path now so common where we eat poorly, avoid nutritional intervenetions, and depend chronically on medical help. We can change a culture of sickness and medical dependency into one of wellness and independence if only we take heed to the wise approach Dr.  Conaway recommends.

             —Jonathan W. Emord

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