drogozhang.github.io - About me - Kai Zhang’s Website

Description: I am a second-year PhD student fortunately advised by [Prof.Yu Su](https://ysu1989.github.io/) at The Ohio State University. I am broadly interested in NLP, Multimodality, and their real-world applica

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Trying to be an NLPer

I am a first-year PhD student fortunately advised by Prof. Yu Su at The Ohio State University. Before starting my PhD journey, I did NLP research under the supervision of Prof. Zhiyuan Liu at Tsinghua University, Prof. Soroush Vosoughi at Dartmouth College, and Dr. Daxin Jiang at Microsoft STCA Semantics and Knowledge Team.

I am broadly interested in Natural Language Processing and its real-world applications, currently focusing on Knowledge, Large Language Models, and their interplay.

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