Description: Drugs Training for Free is a free e-learning training resource for the education of those working with young people and drug users.
e-learning (2799) cannabis (2342) drugs (1069) speed (968) glue (185) heroin (127) cocaine (76) illegal drugs (7) amphetamines (4) morphine volatile substances
Example Drugs Training For Free e-Learning
This free drugs training is suitable whether you are a parent, carer, employer, employee, friend or somebody who is worried about anyone who is or may be using drugs (legal and illegal substances). Kirklees Adults and Young Persons Local Partnership Boards seek to support community members as much as possible
Those coming into contact with drug users should be able to identify and respond appropriately to the individuals needs. Users frequently report that it is through having the support of someone who understands that they could talk to, which has helped them get through difficult times. Suitable training can bring about an understanding about drugs which assists in being there for someone in their time of need; effective drugs training can make a difference.