dsf.academy - Academy of Data Science in Finance

Description: The Academy of Data Science in Finance is a non-profit organization for the dissemination of expertise and knowledge in data science within the finance community.

ai (9841) finance (9795) cryptocurrency (4139) data science (1642) deep learning (1191) quantitative (143) text mining (66) credit risk (64) sentiment (42) asset managmement (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The Academy of Data Science in Finance (dsf.academy) is a non-profit initiative. We strive to expand and disseminate the knowledge in Data Science within the Finance Community -- both in Academia and the Industry. Our Agenda is focused around the following working groups:

The new era of asset management has been introduced by AI, Machine and Deep Learning approaches, genetic algorithms and the availability of computational power on demand. We want to show you how to take part in this development.

Information is often contained in textual statements and may be hidden between the lines. Our objective is to help you to identify important information and capture sentiment in financial markets.

Links to dsf.academy (1)