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Welcome to Dynamic Solutions Institute (DSI) .

DSI is a not-for-profit institute dedicated to improving the way your organization creates and delivers its products and services. In today's technology-driven, quality-demanding market, companies can no longer rush to market doing only lip service to systems engineering. Even very large and established enterprises have suffered recently from forced recalls, government penalties and directives, and—worst of all—dissatisfied customers.

No longer is it acceptable to turn your engineers loose designing products without doing formal system engineering. Analysis and modeling, not mere assurances of compliance, increasingly are being mandated to prove a product will be functional, safe, and reliable. International, industry-wide standards are emerging, such as ISO 26262 , IEC 60601-1 , ISO 14971 , ISO 15288 , and many others. If you ignore these new standards, you won't remain in business for long.