dteodore.github.io - About me - Daniela Teodorescu

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MSc. Computing Science Student

Hi! I am a MSc. Student in Computing Science at the University of Alberta working with Dr. Alona Fyshe in the Representations Lab . My research interests are Natural Language Processing (NLP), and more specifically computational social science, semantics, emotions in language, and low-resource NLP. I am also interested in the crossfields between NLP and psychology, which inspired my exploration into these areas.

I completed my BSc. Honors with Distinction in Computing Science at the University of Alberta, where I worked with Dr. Alona Fyshe , and Dr. Carrie Demmans Epp in the EdTeKLA Research Group . I worked on research projects in various areas of NLP such as machine translation, trained classifiers on a dataset of tweets, created a corpus of language resources, and built language models to help understand the reading processes of native and non-native English speakers.

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