dtetodisha.gov.in - DTET

Description: Directorate of Technical Education and Training - The DTET, Odisha, Cuttack under the administrative control of SD&TE Department, Government of Odisha of the State Looks after education at Technical Institutes/Colleges, Degree, Diploma and ITI level. It also provides Vocational Education in order to prepare the Youth for self-employment. The Department also promotes professional courses in Government and Private Sector.

professional courses (42) vocational education (36) apprenticeship training (17) government of odisha (7) technical institution (3) dtet (2) government iti (2) directorate of technical education and training (1) sd and te department (1) government diploma (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Transform Society through  Skilled Professionals.

Our Physical, Digital and Intellectual Infrastructure  would be among the best of the Country. At least a third of our Graduates will be Women. We will provide the environment to create Great Entrepreneurs and Globally Employable  graduates. We will forge Industry Partnership at an international level. Our students and teachers will be Warriors of the Planet to lead Sustainability.

Sit vulputate natoque habitant sed orci facilisi suscipit...

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