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Having trained at Ballet Théâtre International from age 4 to 17, I certainly credit Maggie and Xavier for helping me lay a solid foundation to pursue my dancing dreams. Their sense of professionalism, present in daily classes and invaluable performance experiences, has served me well throughout my pursuit of, and success in, my professional ballet career. Thanks for helping me get my start!

“I had the chance to teach a Master Class for Maggie and Xavier’s students. I was compelled by the high level and the dedication of their students but I was not surprised. Maggie and Xavier use their beautiful professional career experiences and transmit their knowledge and passion to help every single student improve. Ballet Théâtre International is great place for all students who want to become professionals or for those who simply want the pleasure of dancing.”

"Xavier and Maggie's real professional experience and knowledge is not only relevant and appropriate to build generations of professional dancers, but also uniquely artistic, having performed a plethora of choreography signed by the greatest in the ballet world. Teaching and coaching the students at Ballet Théâtre International, has been an absolute pleasure. The students' level of achievement and commitment is a joy to see and extremely fulfilling to me because as I love my profession which is transmitting

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