dustyhills.net - Tim Farr's Genealogy Page

Description: Genealogy site of Tim Farr. Links to surname page with lots of surnames. Surnames link to records complete with notes and histories of many ancestors. Link to the Farr Compendium.

genealogy (2855) ancestry (685) harris (354) geneology (213) watkins (101) powers (77) freeman (69) farr (17) oram (10) presbury (1)

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This page was created with the hope that someone might find some of their ancestors and that they may have further information or corrections. Please check out the surnames page to see if any look like yours. These pages contain many histories and photos, not just names and dates. Feel free to email me at the address below with questions or possible corrections. Many people have contacted me with corrections and additions which has been much appreciated.

I also would strongly encourage any male visitors with the surname of "Farr" or any of it's variant spellings listed below, to join the "Farr DNA Surname Project". This is a painless test using a cheek scraper. No needles!!! Click on the FTDNA banner above to join. Check out our DNA results page every few weeks to see what we have found!