dwigas.com - Don't Worry I've Got A Sword – An Old-School Swords and Fantasy RPG Blog

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UPDATE: I decided to make a new version of my house rules supplement detailing the availability of goods and services. It now shows the amount available weekly. This serves my purposes much better as I run my game every week. So rather than having to track what’s available for the […]

I started running a new campaign last week after a few months down. I’ve run two sessions now and I gotta say, it’s been a blast so far. I may post some barebones play reports as we go. The first session was a funnel, with each player controlling four level […]

During my last campaign I started with only the traditional classes available in B/X (Fighter, Cleric, Magic-User, Thief, Dwarf, Elf, and my version of the Halfling, the Ratling). As time wore on, I ended up creating multiple new classes, but they all came about as versions of the existing classes […]