dxpeditions.org - Polish DXpeditions – SP9FIH & group

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Polish DXpeditions

SP9FIH & group

Amateur radio expeditions, commonly known as DXpeditions, are associated by all amateurs with the signs JA1BK, JH1AJT, OH2BH, SM0AGD, VK9NS (last two are my expedition gurus), ZL1AMO – let me name those better known. One of the pioneers of DX expeditions were famous: Robert Leo W7LR, Gus Browning W4BPD and Danny Weil VP2VB. Then for years we were excited by expeditions by Iris and Lloyd Colvin – W6QL and W6KG. For me these people have always been idols, as they have given a lot of emotions and happiness to

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