dynamicdialects.ac.uk - Dynamic Dialects: Introduction

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to our interactive articulatory accent database! Dynamic Dialects contains an articulatory video-based corpus of speech samples from world-wide accents of English. Videos in this corpus contain synchronised audio, ultrasound-tongue-imaging video and video of the moving lips. We are continuing to augment the database.

For modelled International Phonetic Association (IPA) speech samples produced by trained phoneticians, which also includes Magnetic Resonance Imaging and 2-D Animations as well as Ultrasound Tongue Imaging and lip video, please visit our sister website, Seeing Speech .

This online resource is a product of the collaboration between researchers at six Scottish Universities: the University of Glasgow , Queen Margaret University Edinburgh , Edinburgh Napier University , the University of Strathclyde , the University of Edinburgh and the University of Aberdeen .

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