dysertcastle.com - Home - The Clare Archaeology Centre

Description: The Clare Archaeology Centre is a restored 15th century Gaelic Tower house, which is home to an extensive museum, bookshop, tea room, toilets, free car/coach parking, audio-visual presentation (English & German), exhibition rooms (varied), and a wall walk at top of castle. On site are 25 other monuments which you can explore at your leisure by taking one of two walking trails which is open year-round and can be walked or driven.

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The Clare Archaeology Centre

Welcome to the Clare Archaeology Centre. Allow us to provide an overview of what's on offer, and illustrate why a visit to Dysert O’Dea Castle—and the surrounding 25 original archaeological field monuments are a must-see on any visit to County Clare.

The authentically restored 15th century Dysert O’Dea castle was the stronghold of the O’Dea clan. It is now home to The Clare Archaeology Centre, opened in July 1986, and has been the recipient of numerous national awards.