machine learning (3819) data mining (576) biosciences (44) kup (40) e-lico (1) meta mining (1)
As a result of the VideoLectures.Net challenge organized by e-LICO, a new recommender system was built into the video platform VideoLectures.Net.
The goal of the e-LICO project is to build a virtual laboratory for interdisciplinary collaborative research in data mining and data-intensive sciences. The e-lab comprises three layers: the e-science and data mining layers form a generic research environment that can be adapted to different scientific domains by customizing the application layer. e-LICO uses both Taverna and RapidAnalytics/RapidMiner to design and enact data analysis workflows. It provides a variety of general-purpose and application-speci
DM Assistant. The Data Mining Assistant recommends operators based on the current process.