Description: e-volution, web and mobile solutions : Jean-François Lefebvre, freelance PHP web developer
web (36787) php (16897) solutions (14979) mobile (13543) freelance (7815) belgium (1351) bruxelles (1064) brussels (760) lefebvre (23) jean-françois (18)
I'm specialized in wordpress and custom solutions built on top of open source technologies (Symfony/Laravel). I'm able to adapt and create the application of your dreams.
Over the years, I've built several platforms for european sectoral associations and SMEs to manage their documents, share content with their members on their website and integrate e-commerce solutions such as WooCommerce, or custom stripe payment.
I have also built a strong expertise around Omnicasa real estate platform and provides solutions with tailored made code to integrate in your wordpress theme or integration of the Omnicasa data to feed the wordpress plugin Easy Real Estate