Description: 乐动体育,乐动体育(中国)网页版登录- STAR SPORTS【】隶属于中国正规体育竞技平台、五大联赛、世界杯、欧冠、亚冠、中超、NBA、CBA、综合体育等以客户为中心,以市场为导向,致力于打造中国最有品牌影响力的体育直营品牌,成就了NG体育成为体育品牌中的卓越地位。
乐动体育 (428) 三沙天作装饰工程有限公司 (1) 乐动体育(中国)网页版登录- star sports (1)
We provide our principals with the means to reach clients in various markets and focus on design, engineering and production of products, while we handle the sales.
Based in Cleveland, with numerous regional locations, we are positioned to serve the "Rust Belt" and the expansive number of manufacturers in this area.
Our team consists of 16 field sales representatives, an internal support staff and business partners to deliver value to our clients and principals.