eamonkeane.com - Eamon Keane & Co

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At Eamon Keane & Co Accountants and Statutory Audit Firm we know how important it is for your business to grow and develop while at the same time maintain a solid financial footing. It’s in our interest that you get the best from your business – that’s why we have had such a high level of repeat business stretching over the years. It’s in your own interest to have such proactive accountants handling your financial affairs – we leave nothing to fate.

We have spent many years driving growth and improving cost management in businesses and enterprises just like yours, and we know all the triumphs and the pitfalls. Whether you run a farm or a medical practice, Eamon Keane & Co. offers you and your business practical, personalised service. Get in touch with us to find out more. Our offices are on the Kilrush Road in Ennis, in easy reach of the town.

We also have a Financial Services arm to our business which trades as BOK Financial Services Limited .

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