earlkemp.com - Earl Kemp | Index

Description: Earl Kemp, efanzines, Who Killed Science Fiction, Sin-A-Rama, author and publisher, memoirs, folk art and masks

Example domain paragraphs

Dr. Death, by Robert Bonfils

BEFORE you enter my domain, take warning . . . there's nothing usual here. My world is my scrapbook. These are the personal fragments of my life as I have preserved them and as I can remember or document them. I have had enormous amounts of help from other people getting this far, and depend on your help as well.

All the contents of this domain are transitory, rough draft, and in-progress continuously, as I work toward my ultimate goal. They are also protected by Copyright, 2001 by Earl Kemp, all rights reserved. In the meantime, feel free to wander around; only please do keep a sharp lookout for the construction workers.