- Hallowed the web

Description: Hallowed the web

hallowed the web (7)

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Faith Voices for Ecocide Law is a remarkable collection of texts, drawing on the vast wisdom, teachings and practices of the world religions and indigenous spiritual traditions. Written at a time of ecological crisis, it focuses on the relationship between humans and nature in general, and on the need for a new international crime of ecocide in particular. The authors are recognized spiritual leaders in their faith traditions.

This pioneering work explores the dynamic new field of Environmental Restorative Justice and discusses how principles and practices of restorative justice can be used to address the threats and harms facing the environment today.

Together with criminologist Anneke van Hoek , I published the essay "Restorative justice and environmental cases: an exploration of possibilities in the Anthropocene" (Herstelrecht en milieuzaken: een verkenning van mogelijkheden in het antropoceen) for the Dutch Journal on Culture & Crime (Tijdschrift voor Cultuur & Criminaliteit) in July 2021.

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