earwaxremovallondon.s3-website.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com - Earwax Removal London

Description: The earwax removal network London

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Example domain paragraphs

What is microsuction ear wax removal? Microsuction ear wax removal London is undertaken with a specialist medical grade vacuum pump that gently sucks the earwax out of the ear. the procedure is undertaken using a special microscope or microscope glasses called loupes. this allows the professional to clearly see exactly what they are doing. no liquids are used during the procedure, this procedure is seen as the gold standard in earwax removal and it is also believed to be the safest form of earwax removal av

If you have confirmed soft ear wax, then you do not need to soften it as it is already soft. also, if you have a perforated ear drum that has not healed, then you should not use ear drops before a microsuction procedure. in every other case, pre-softening the wax is recommended: in " aural microsuction for wax impaction: survey of efficacy and patient perception A significant finding was "patients who had used cerumenolytics [ear drops or sprays] reported significantly less pain and vertigo [dizziness]". co

Microsuction is a safe and effective method of ear wax removal. a binocular operating microscope (which allows depth-perception and magnification) is used to look directly into the ear canal and a very fine sterile suction device is used to remove the wax without damaging the ear canal.

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