- eats, shoots, knits | food, photos and crafting, yay!

Example domain paragraphs

I wrote a post earlier this year discussing how I’ve become terrible at managing blogs. It’s true, as evidenced by the fact that I tend to average maybe one post per quarter anymore. As I lay in bed and type this out on my iPad, I’m reminded of how my excuse is always that I have nothing to say.

The truth is, I have lots of things to say. I just struggle with saying them  here. We were at a party last night, briefly, before the kids got a little too squirrelly, and I was speaking with the host and another guest about how we’d met back when blogs were a thing; before one could really make money, before everyone had one, back when they mattered. 

And then it clicked. I’ll digress a little, but I promise it will come back.