ebrix.co.in - Bhatta Software Best Online Brickkiln plus Brick Kiln Solution - eBrix

Description: Brick manufacturing / production management Chimney management software, Bhatta Software, Brick Kiln Software

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Example domain paragraphs

Responsibility of Individual and State with respect to Environmental Laws: This article 41A and article 51A (g) Outlines According to article 51A (g) It shall be the duty of each and every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment that includes lakes, rivers, forests and wildlife. This Article also focuses on showing compassion for living creatures to make our ecosystem sustainable. Article 51A (g) is similar to Article 48A, but the only difference is that it concentrates on fundamenta

As we have witnessed in past that most of the state government and local administration exerts tremendous pressure on the brick kilns. It is the prime responsibility of the Chimney owners to build their Brick Kilns as per guidelines issued by the ministry of envirnment.

इब्रिक्स (ebrix) सॉफ्टवेयर को भठ्ठा (brick kiln) चलाने वाले व्यवसाईओं की परेशानियों के समाधान हेतु बनाया गया है। आपके भट्टे के मैनेजमेंट में कई अहम् पैरामीटर्स (important parameters) को ट्रैक करना जरूरी है वरना आप प्रतिस्पर्धा (competition) में पीछे छूट जाएंगे। भठ्ठे का संचालन (running of brick manufacturing unit) अपने आप में एक अत्यंत काम्प्लेक्स विषय है और लोगों तो यह भी कहते सुना होगा भठ्ठा बैठ गया । आज बदलती हुई अर्थव्यवस्था को देखते हुए यदि अपने व्यवयसाय के अंदर कोई आधुनिकीकरण (modernization) नहीं किया

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