- ecesarrivera portfolio

Description: graphic design creative direction portfolio resume résumé résume resumé designer craft crafting crafty creative collaborating collaborate collaborative research innovative innovate innovating impactful award winning cutting edge custom print logo book brochure annual report poster branding digital design user experience user interface ux ui design thinking human centered design maker senior designer associate creative director cd acd chief design officer cdo cco director of creative services social media co

Example domain paragraphs

Design a book based on a speech Handmade 18" x 24" perfect bind/hard cover Cover: hand-pulled silkscreen Pages: digitally printed Peer Review: Cronan Intensity Award CS27 , MFA SH[ ]WCASE 2014 Best of Show, DSVC National Student Show 10, AIGA Texas Show 2014 3rd Place Student

Design a publication on observations gained during study abroad Japan

Design annual gala event materials that make the event feel special, and program should be a keepsake. Handmade saddle-stitch by SHSU SDC Digitally printed Peer Review: Graphis Design Annual 2018 Merit , AAF Houston ADDY Cert of Excellence 2017

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