- International Astronomical Union | Working Group on Solar Eclipses/Program Group on Public Education at Solar Eclipses

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The tasks of the International Astronomical Union’s Working Group on Solar Eclipses include:

a) Working with the general public, providing materials and links to explain why eclipses are interesting to watch, how to observe them safely, and what science is being studied; and b) Working with professional astronomers from around the world, to help coordinate their expeditions to total solar eclipses, including helping them work with customs in various countries about the temporary importation of scientific equipment.

An on-line version of a 21st-century eclipse globe from a colleague of Michael Zeiler’s at his former company ESRI: a new visualization. There is a slider bar on bottom that lets you traverse any 10-year span from 1650 to 2150 and displays the eclipse tracks on an interactive globe. The eclipse paths were generated from Xavier Jubier’s Solar Eclipse Maestro.

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