- Peter Daszak Eco-Fascist Who Orchestrated Global Pandemic

Description: British scientist Peter Daszak's organization channelled cash to Wuhan scientists to do the Gain-of-Threat experiments that caused the Covid-19 Pandemic.

covid-19 (2795) corona virus (184) ccp (111) sars (96) chinese communist party (4) peter daszak (2) bohdan daszak (2) john daszak (2) wuhan wet market (2) wuhan institue of virology (2)

Example domain paragraphs

I contracted Covid-19 in March 2000. The medics had to beat on my chest to bring me back to life. I was in Lenox-Hill Hospital for a month with a lung tube. The disease left one of my fingers paralized making it hard to type. So I did some research which came down to this: Peter Cottonton Daszak deliberately and intentionally caused a pandemic by putting all the players in place then ignoring warning signs that would be apparent to anyone with his credentials. It's all here, all referenced with live links t

EcoHealth Alliance Executive Summary of DEFUSE

EcoHealth's full DEFUSE grant proposal to DARPA