- European Journal of Ecopsychology

Description: The European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to explore the synthesis of psychological and ecological ideas from a variety of perspectives. We invite submissions in the form of theoretical papers, empirical reports, accounts of therapeutic practice, and more personal reflections which offer the reader insight into new and original aspects of the interrelationship between humanity and the rest of the natural world. Published in the UK

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ISSN: 2054-6017

The European Journal of Ecopsychology (EJE) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to explore the synthesis of psychological and ecological ideas from a variety of perspectives. We publish theoretical papers, empirical reports, accounts of therapeutic practice, and more personal reflections which offer the reader insight into new and original aspects of the interrelationship between humanity and the rest of the natural world. We add new material to our current issues shortly after it has completed the peer-re

In general, topics of interest include: Effects of the natural environment on our emotions and well-being How psychological disconnection relates to the current ecological crisis Furthering our understanding of psychological, emotional and spiritual relationships with nature