Description: The Ecosa Institute of Prescott College is a leading ecological design certificate program. The mission of Ecosa | Prescott College is to restore health to the natural environment, and thus the human environment, through education in design. Ecosa's vision is of a world that blends the ethical values and ecological patterns, with the vitality and dynamism of the design arts. Founded in 1996 by Tony Brown, Ecosa has a goal of providing innovative ecological design thinking and an interdisciplinary approach
architecture (13651) ecological design (40)
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"As an architecture student, my experience at ECOSA enriched my entire lifestyle by nurturing a more holistic approach to thinking and designing. I’m proud to say it’s the best experience I have had in education. The hands-on study/projects with real clients show how education should be, and all the guests were unbelievable.”
"A whole new perspective on the world! I have a clearer understanding of the systems at work in our society today and the greater implications of all the variables at hand. I have gained more awareness of the complexities of the global challenges facing us today and for the first time, I now feel empowered to be able to tackle these problems and come up with possible solutions. The course was definitely a catalyst for my life and has impacted choices in my daily life as well as my career. ”