- Ecuador Volunteer Programs - Ecuador Eco Volunteer

Description: Ecuador Eco Volunteer - Afordable high quality volunteer programs in Ecuador, make your time and effort count, "Be the Change you want to see in the world"

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After growing the tour agency for several years, exploring new routes in the mountains and sharing these off-the-beaten track and trails with backpackers from around the world, we were listed in the Lonely Planet's South America on a Shoestring.

Ecuador's numerous indigenous nationalities are very unhappy with the current government at the moment and are going through their second major set of protests in the last couple of months. In the last set of protests I was asked

Do you want to plan the adventure of a lifetime? Here's some advice: don't plan. An adventure by definition is a daring expedition into the unknown and outside the comfort zone. An adventure is full of beautiful, unplanned, spontaneous

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